
unauthorized sibling haircut no. 1

Last week when my dad was here, I went to a Relief Society dinner. Dad was super sweet to babysit and even put the girls to bed while I was gone. Halfway through the dinner, someone was speaking up front when I got a text from my dad. Thinking it was probably important, I read it, and halfway through reading it, my jaw fell on the floor. 

"Are you ok?" my friend Becky whispered.

I mimicked scissors with my fingers. "Lizzy," I mouthed. "Maren."

Honestly, it would have happened no matter who was looking after the girls. 

When I told my husband he laughed and laughed.

Poor Maren still has no idea that her hair is so much shorter. She is/was incredibly vain about her long hair, for a 2 year-old. Lizzy said something at breakfast the next day about Maren having short hair now, and Maren screamed at her, "NO! I don't have SHORT HAIR. I have LONG HAIR!"

Oh dear.

Oddly, Lizzy did a pretty good job. I think I even like the new 'do better.


Erin Bigler said...

THAT's Lizzy's cut? Incredible. I thought for sure these were the post "fix" pics. Maren looks darling!

April said...

Her hair looks really cute. And luckily, it grows!

Amelia used to be the same way about her hair. We recently cut it into a bob and she refused to admit for a while that it wasn't long anymore.

Rachel said...

I think it's adorable too!
Is Lizzy available sometime this week??? I could really use a new do! :)

A & E said...

i think there is nothing cuter than a bob haircut on little girls. and check out that look little miss maren is giving lizzy....'yes my hair is long!' :)

sarah said...

She looks so cute!! I think Lizzie may have found her calling in life :)

megan&steve said...

I love that you titled it as if there are more of these hair trims to come in the future.
I try my best to keep scissors up high, but Jake uses them all the time to cut open his snacks or cereal- since he is soooo self sufficient.
M looks like a doll still.

Jillian said...

Wow. I know everyone already said it, but given the results, I think I'd trust Lizzy by my head with scissors!

Tom and Sherry said...

I vote for the bob. We'll continue to tell Miss M that her hair is long and we'll cut it in a bob!

Pinch my girls for me!


Diane said...

Holy cow, it's adorable! And those cheeks on Maren?! Oh so squeeze-able! Do you almost want to say, "Thanks, Lizzy! It looks great!"