
baby rebellion (it could be worse?)

If this looks like All the Toys and Bedding Thrown Out of the Second Story Window to you, you'd be right. Three days after we brought The Boy home from the hospital, there were a few minutes where my mom was at the grocery store, Richard was at the hardware store, and I, the lone adult in the house, was sitting on the couch with a book, blissfully unaware of what the thumps and bumps coming from upstairs really signified (my thoughts at the time: At least they're not fighting...). 

Well, this is what was going on. The girls were dragging everything from their room into the little-used third bedroom, soon to be Max's room, and dumping it out the window, which currently has no screen (somebody call CPS). They later refused to clean it up, so Daddy bagged everything and threw it in the garage. So, if you're coming over for a playdate anytime soon, I hope your kids have really good imaginations.

Later the same day, when all three adults were home (my mom was visiting), I sent my two little cherubs into the garden with scissors to get some chard for dinner. You see where this is going.

That's where it went. Backwoods Appalachian poster child and faux hawk toddler. 

Luckily I have a good friend who is a hair wizard and worked some magic on my poor girls. Lizzy really regrets having done it and is pretty embarrassed (the kid starts kindergarten in two weeks), but Maren doesn't seem to care. To tell the truth, I think she looks pretty darned cute, if a little bit more impish. We figured maybe they needed some more attention, so Daddy took them on an awesome hike the next day. I was totally jealous.


Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

I love the short hair! Although I'm sure you don't love how they ended up with it ;-)

April said...

Oh my gosh, I totally feel for you! I think it's awesome that you threw the toys away. I would have cried over the haircuts, but they look cute!

arajane said...

oh my goodness, i love that your husband threw all that stuff out! did they mind at all that he did that? or were they totally unfazed?

and the hair! oh my! i, too, think they ended up looking pretty cute, but that would have flipped me out. it reminds me of the time my older sister was jealous of my long hair after she got a terrible dorothy hamill haircut, and so she chopped a large chunk of mine off the top of my head while i was sleeping. the horror.

you are a terrific mom, by the way! i mean it.

Erin Bigler said...

This is the best thing I've seen all day!

Thought you might appreciate this (from right after Frankie was born), though really your girls did it better: http://biglerfamily.blogspot.kr/search?q=noose

The Thompsons said...

Oh man - this made me cringe and smile at the same time. Hilariously awful. :) Tee hee.

The Ahumadas said...

Oh, this made me laugh! I love your sense of humor over the whole thing. Their hair is pretty cute now though! Such funny stories for later in their lives

megan&steve said...

So glad your camera was handy for all of the "AAAAHHHH" moments that happened this week. The toys, the scissors, keep baby Max bundled up close to you.
You are awesome. Glad you have extra hands there to help. Get some rest!

Tina said...

I'm loving Maren's cut! I don't know that she will learn her lesson, since she looks absolutely adorable with that cut!