
jumping back in

Every time I feel the itch to blog, I come up with some lame excuse. I've been wanting to blog again for a while now, but "getting back into it" just seems so... awkward somehow. I feel like I have to catch up. Be crafty. Have something momentous happen to me. And I know that's not true. So I'm jumping back in -- with the commitment to myself that it will only be for when I feel like it -- and because it's fun.

Nothing much has been happening.

Everything much has been happening.

We're homeschooling now.

Spring is coming.

The kids are growing like weeds.

Life is good.


arajane said...

welcome back, lady! i think showing off that adorable face is a momentous enough reason to blog. cuteness!

Anonymous said...

He looks so perfect and healthy and perfect and I could squeeze him to death.

Lora said...

he's adorable - such a precious smile!

The Giuliacci Family said...

He seriously looks like the Gerber baby. Not joking.

Rebekah said...

I took a long break last year. Unintentional, but it was good to step away for a while. Welcome back to blogland! Your boy sure is cute. :)

Diane said...

Holy cow! He's the most scrumptious baby! I'm happy to see you back in the blogging world. I always feel intellectually uplifted by your posts, even if it isn't about anything monumental. You know how to use the English language in a way I only dream I could. I'm excited to hear about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

I don't have children, I've never wanted them. But one look at this little cherub and I'm smiling all over. You lucky girl!

megan&steve said...

welcome back! The house re-do is coming along great! So glad you can snap photos while your hubby uses the sledge hammer.
will you be in Utah this summer?

Janet said...

This is just plain cute.