
my 80s-tastic barbies

Miss Maren has mixed emotions about Lizzy being at school all day. On the one hand, there's no one to fight play with. On the other hand, she doesn't have to share anything. Like, say, Mommy's old Barbies, straight-up late 80s style. 

My parents, who are living in China right now, sent a box full of my old Barbies before they left their home in California. I'd totally forgotten about most of those outfits, but lots of memories came flooding back, mostly of playing with friends at swim meets when I was 6 or 7. Or of my brother dismembering  the Barbies and reassembling them in Sid-from-Toy-Story type ways for me to find in the bathtub. That probably happened to you, too, right?

Anyway, when Maren opened the box, her expression was one of unbridled joy. She was so excited. I'm so glad my parents hung onto these. Thanks, Mom and Dad.


Barracuda said...
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Kate said...

Oh, I have a box of those in my basement! My Maren would love them, too. Maybe this afternoon we'll drag them out! Congrats on your sweet boy...hope you're enjoying these early days with him!

A & E said...

your mom gets a million gold stars for saving all your barbies.
brynn thinks that barbies are just meant for her. she adores them. as did i when i was little! maya thinks they are totally lame. :)