
trail walk in april

We are knee-deep into this homeschooling thing. Wading in with so much hope, so much excitement about the future. 
The possibilities!

All my worries, all my excuses, all my what-ifs... God is pitching them out the window, wholesale.

So, to all the many (many) friends of mine who have ever told me some form of you would just love homeschooling! or someday you'll see or you really ought to read this article...

You were right as right could be.

So right.


Tom and Sherry said...

All that little M needs is a bob cut and she will be the exact image of her mother!

Diane said...

Gorgeous pictures! Gorgeous children! And sending happy vibes your way for success in homeschooling and lots of fun with those kiddos of yours. Baby Max is delicious!