
garden :: grow

We spent last week in Indiana, visiting family. It was a beautiful visit + I have lots of pictures to show off, but first, I'm gonna show off this garden of ours. I can't believe how much it grew while we were gone! Upstate New York is incredible for gardening, a veritable Eden, and all these plants are thriving in spite of me, not because of me. Some decisions: someday I will have a gigantic herb garden. It will be planted in a circle. With a brick path around it. And a fountain in the middle. Also, oriental poppies are my new favorite flower. Sigh.


Tina said...

Beautiful garden! I am a little envious. We JUST planted a little garden (in the middle of summer in hot, desert Texas). Don't think it will survive, but it is the best we can do right now!

Diane said...

Is this what it's like to have your own home with a yard?! (...someday ...)