
book delicious: my favorite reads from 2011

{i've been here!!}

Though the rest of the world may quit with paper and glue altogether, I think I will take my books to my grave.
We had a Kindle for a little while but just couldn't get into it and ended up selling it off.

Looking for a good book to sink your teeth into? Here are my favorite reads from 2011.
Chip in with your favorites (recent or not) in the comments!


Jen_M said...

I'll have to read some of the books on your list! Lately I've found myself enjoying mystery stories... I absolutely loved "The 13th Tale" by Diane Setterfield, and right now I'm halfway through "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" by Alan Bradley and can't put it down :) I'm with you, give me a flesh and blood book over the digital kind any day.

April said...

I'm SO with you on loving "real" books. There is something about the whole book experience - the feel, the smell, the cover, turning the pages, etc. I'm an avid book reader, but I haven't read one book on your list which surprised me. Maybe we are into different genres.

Melanie said...

Wonderful photos and quote. You piqued my curiosity with a couple of titles. I'll have to add them to the list. I got a Kindle this year -- I like the immediacy of getting another book to read, but still prefer paper and ink.
Here's my list:

arajane said...

thanks for sharing your list, amanda! i really enjoyed the good thief as well.

Diane said...

I haven't read any on your list and we even own "The World is Flat." I completely agree with you on having a physical book while reading. I've always fantasized about having a library in my home with built-in book shelves chucked full of books Brad and I have read. We have bought so many books in our married life I just can't imagine that kind of reading electronically. I love the covers of those books! I also think that having books that children can sit down and flip through helps them learn to love reading.

K - so here are some I read during 2011 that I loved:

Seven Miracles That Saved America: Why They Matter and Why We Should Have Hope

How to Be Lovely: The Audrey Hepburn Way of Life

What the Scriptures Teach Us about Raising a Child

A Heart Like His

No Doubt About It

Way to Be

Ella Minnow Pea

I was talking with a lady in my neighborhood whose daughter's name is Scout, like in "To Kill a Mockingbird," and I think it's time to read that one again!