
wanted: clean historical fiction

I asked my bookworm peeps on Facebook a few weeks ago for CLEAN historical fiction recommendations. I love me a good story, but I think it's getting really hard to find fiction that isn't stuffed full of gratuitous hanky panky. Tell you what, I got me a giant reading list now. Some books I've loved lately (all are linked to Amazon):


Right now I'm working on Garlic and Sapphires for book club and am totally swallowing it whole.
Another friend just recommended Signora daVinci and it looks tasty.


April said...

I have the same problem. Keep sharing your books, I need more recommendations!

Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

Oooh, thank you so much for sharing these! I love historical fiction but I seem to have a hard time finding good ones, too.

Unknown said...

I just saw your post the other day, and I just finished reading Georgette Heyer and something clicked! She writes historical (Regency period) romances, but no hanky panky. Just a thought!

Diane said...

I loved The Thirteenth Tale.