
the sugaring :: part 2

Any guesses what we're having for dinner?

{psst, looking for part 1?}


Tara said...

Love going to the sugar shack. My aunt and uncle own one. I bet you're having pancakes? I love maple syrup on vanilla ice cream, muffins, waffles, and sausages. Have you tried it on snow yet? Be sure to try maple cream too. I love it spread on toast Great was to start your day!!

S said...

Oh, wow! And that can of syrup looks just like what we used to get when I was a little girl! Same design, same shape. Can you smell the boiling syrup from your home?

I'm thinking pancakes and bacon right now! Mmmmm!

Betz said...

Yeah I know...I know that can from somewhere...did we used to get cans just like that ages ago?